Suspected bandits who abducted seven farmers in Kankarami community, in Anguwar Barde village, along the Kaduna-Abuja highway have demanded N2m ransom for their release. The farmers were abducted while working on their farms on Saturday morning, August 24, 2024. A community leader from Unguwar Barde, who sought anonymity, confirmed the abduction to the Daily Trust and noted that all the victims were men. The leader expressed the communitys distress, saying that the bandits have demanded a ransom of N2 million, which is beyond the villages means. We are deeply saddened by this incident. The abduction of our men while they were working on their farm has left us in a state of confusion. The ransom demanded by the bandits is far beyond our financial capability due to the economic hardship we are facing, the leader said. He further explained that if the bandits prevented access to their farms, the villagers will find it difficult to feed their families. Even if the bandits had demanded N1 million, it would still be beyond our reach because we are impoverished, he added. The post Bandits abduct 7 farmers in Kaduna, demand N2m ransom appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.